MHQP Featured in Article About Pioneering Efforts to Measure Experience for Medicaid Members
(September 2018)
MHQP is very excited to share an article published on the USC Annenberg’s Center for Health Journalism (CHJ) website by prominent local reporter Martha Bebinger.
The article focuses on the Commonwealth’s breakthrough efforts to add the voice of MassHealth members to publicly-reported ratings of patient experiences in Massachusetts. MHQP was selected by the state’s Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) to conduct statewide patient experience surveys of people insured through MassHealth who are participating in the new Accountable Care Organization (ACO) and Community Partners (CP) programs. The contract spans three years and will focus on three areas in which MassHealth members commonly receive care and services: Primary Care, Behavioral Health, and Long-Term Services and Supports.
MHQP has been publishing patient experience scores for primary care practices in the state based on feedback from commercially-insured patients since 2012, but there is currently no mechanism in place to hear from people insured through MassHealth.
Feedback from MassHealth members is critical to create a more complete picture of patient experience across the state. One in four Massachusetts residents is a member of MassHealth. Feedback from this segment of the population will enable the state to better understand the patient experiences of its members as it begins to restructure the MassHealth program to offer more integrated, and outcomes-based care.
MHQP is honored to be part of this important breakthrough work. We hope you enjoy the article (link below):
Massachusetts pioneers making quality a public priority for safety net patients