News & Views

News & Views2024-09-13T13:36:07-04:00


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Patients Report Improved Experiences Overall in Massachusetts Primary Care

(January 2018)

Patient experiences for commercially-insured patients in primary care in Massachusetts continue to improve, despite the backdrop of increased out-of-pocket expenses and significant uncertainty in the healthcare system. This is one of the key findings from a statewide patient experience survey conducted for the 13th year by Massachusetts Health Quality Partners

MHQP Announces New State Contract to Assess Patient Experience among Medicaid Recipients

(August 2017)

Massachusetts Health Quality Partners (MHQP) is pleased to announce that it has been selected by the Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as its vendor to conduct statewide patient experience surveys of people insured through the state’s Medicaid program, MassHealth, and participating

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