MHQP Massachusetts Provider Database (MPD)
MHQP’s Massachusetts Provider Database (MPD) captures the structure of ambulatory care in Massachusetts and provides a location-based snapshot of Massachusetts providers. It is the only valid data source available that maps primary care and specialty providers statewide to the practice site, medical group and network in which they provide care. The MPD is updated and validated annually. The MPD is an essential research resource used by academic researchers, health plans, government agencies and provider organizations to link to other databases, including the MA All Payer Claims Database.
To discuss how the MHQP Massachusetts Provider Database can support your research, analytic or reporting efforts or to license the MHQP MPD for your research, analytic and reporting projects please contact Jim Courtemanche, or call (617) 600-4878.
Why Should I Use the MHQP MPD?
Leading researchers and public agencies have licensed the MPD, a trusted and reliable data set that is gathered and analyzed by MHQP, an independent, non-profit organization. MHQP’s experienced analytic staff works with clients to support full utilization of the MPD.
The MPD can be used for the following:
- Research that includes trending: the MPD tool provides current and prior year data extracts that are necessary for trend analysis
- Comprehensive and Valid Provider Information: Enables accurate association of MPD providers and their practices to external data
- Integration with Other Databases: the MPD can be used to link to other databases, including the MA All Payer Claims Database
What is included in the MPD?
- Comprehensive primary care physician data, as well as specialists, nurse practitioners and physician assistants
- Over 30 provider data elements including NPI, name, address, provider specialty and role, and affiliated practice sites, medical group and network
- A unique, single provider identifier which identifies providers practicing in multiple sites
- Historical snapshots dating back to 2008
- Core data extracts identifying provider practice location as of December 31 each year
- Data Formats Available: MHQP can provide MPD extracts as relational database tables (e.g. MS Access) or in a “flat” file structure (e.g. ASCII delimited or Excel)
MPD Provider Hierarchy